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You are the problem for this world

You may  say it was the practice of Medival age time .But its very hard to notice that this inhuman and brutal condition is needed to to be more concerned than Poverty, Unemployment,Global terrorism and Global Warming.
The Inhuman and Brutal condition that is focused over here is CHILD SLAVERY.

Today there are 168 million child labourers around the world generation profit of 150 billion dollars for Traffickers and Criminal Organisations.
This statistic of profit is raising every year with the support of every costumer who buys goods  without any idea about the manufacturing process.

The fact is this Civilization and Child Slavery are two faces of a same coin.

Today Chocolate is one of the favourite food for every child and some adults.These chocolates are manufactured with the component called COCOA BEANS.
Which are grown in the coastal areas of Africa with the involvement of Child Labourers who were to be on school.

When a person from India called KAILASH SATYARTHI visited that place and one of the child slave ,Do you want chocolate? The child replied with doutfut voice ,What is Chocolate? Which shook him a lot. The thing is children who the key producer of chocolate don't know what chocolate means.
He says..
The process taking place there was
Denial of human Dignity
Denial of human Freedom

Kailash SATYARTHI has done many campaigns in creating awareness to the costumers around the world in buying the right product. He dropped his job as an Electrical engineer in mid 20s and dedicated more that 35 years in abolishing Child Slavery and Human trafficking. He rescued more that 85000 children from slavery . He has established many child friendly villages where every child is provided with free education and medial care..
He was many times subjected to personal injuries,death threats and lost two of his colleagues in a rescue operations..  But his zeal to fill up dreams to the children made him a great Personality.He was honoured with the NOBLE PEACE PRICE for his dedication towards the formation of Better World..

Slavery is a dark dot on Humanity, A slave cannot raise his hand nor can his voice ever be heard.

It's not just conjusted to Chocolate industry there are 100s and 1000s of industries using Child Labourers.Its deeply embedded in supply chain of the things you eat , drink and things we buy..

So be the change to see the change.
Don't be the problem for this world........


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