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Traits that builds up a SMART WORKER....

A person without a smart work be like
✓ Smartphone without mobile data
✓ A soap without fragrance
✓ An eye without proper eyesight
and much more
If you are not the smart worker, after reading the content below I hope
>You will think of using WiFi if there's no data
>You will think of using Perfume if there's no fragrance in your soap
>You will think of using Stylish glasses if your eyesight is not proper.
It is too very common that we get prescribed to do Smart work to get great results.But none of the prescriber tells or shows us how to switch on to smart work??
Imagine in a jungle some Hyenas together chase a Zebre run with with all their might and finally hunts the Zebra down .When they begin to eat the zebra the Lion arrives at the scene and scares all the Hyenas away a eats the Zebra alone.And the Hyenas go hungry.
The thing that we need to focus is what the Hyenas did hunting the zebra running with involving all their might is a Hard Work .What Lion alone did is a Smart Work.
So the lesson that we need to learn here in the incident is that 'if we need to be the smart worker we need to overcome hard work ' that's what Lion did chasing all Hyenas away...
Another trait of the smart worker is that he always concentrates or focuses on the results irrespective of the procedure to get to the results.Whereas the hard worker tries and work towards the results following each and every step it needed.
To focus directly to the results everyone must know the "Pareto Principle" .This principle is smart enough to make us Smart worker..
According to this principle" 80% of any work depends on 20% of the things that actually matter" . So a smart worker always focus on that 20% of the work and gets great results.
To know more about the PARETO PRINCIPLE click the link below
vilferdo pareto{introducer of the principla}
World's richest man Bill gates says that
" I always prefer a lazy person to do a Difficult job because he will come up with an easy way out"
Here Lazy doesn't mean that the person who is inactive all the time .
But the person who always prefers to get out from all the work and be free all the time .
This lazy person directly thinks on how to get to the results? instead of following its procedures.
Because of this Smart thinking Bill Gates is at the Top....
One more thing the Smart worker posses is " Control over everything under him " We are called as Expert when , whatever difficult the work may be assigned to us " we must feel like it's too easy" This kind of Smart work was shown in the Indian History during the period of Monarchy.
There were kings called as "CHAKRAVARTY" ( the king who has rule over all his surroundings)
They were too smart enough to rule all over their kingdom sitting at a place.
 .These 3 traits mentioned above are enough to make you a smart worker.....

So from now on focus on results , follow the PARETO PRINCIPLE,do hard work and gain control over everything under you and be the Expert in your field.
How to be a smart worker is to start as a Hard worker....


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