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Death without Birth


Facebook got fired
Instagram disappears Instantly

Twitter tweets its death
Snapchat got snapped
LinkedIn got LinkedOut
WhatsApp went out of Users

     It is  the condition called

Future coming back to Present and Watching the Past

    Its DEATH before BIRTH

what if

Women starts to hate Gold

Dentists starts to chew Tobacco

Police steals his wife's money

Judge gives a wrong decision
Professor arrives late to class
Ambulance runs without noise
Its nothing but
Eye without Eyesight
Pen without ink 

House without walls

In case if

* God meets  Man
The thing they say each other is
" I created YOU"
* Money meets Knowledge
The thing they say each other is
" I can rule over YOU"
* Science meets Common Sense
The thing they say each other is
" I can survive without YOU"

* Angel meets Demon
The thing they say each other is
" I am always  beside YOU"
* A Caretaker meets Nature
The thing they say each other is
" I Love You"
Until my next post
thank YOU...


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