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Stoot for the Moon,You will end up becoming a STAR...

Among the 25 children 24 died and he Survived...

He was diagnosed with an incurable cancer called NEUROBLASTOMA stage 4
.Doctor said no chance of survival ,take him home and let him live his last days with his family.

Everyone has got choices and these choices that we make everyday remake , rebuild and redefine our future.

His mother asked one question to the doctor.I want to know the chances of my son's survival not his death.

The Doctor said 96% chances of death,His mom looked at him 4% full and 96% empty
Next day a doctor came from America with a drug called DTIC which was never tried on humans and they came out to try on 25 kids .
Within a month 20 out of 25 passed away, within 3 months 24 out of 25 died and he was left.His mon sat and watched the dead bodies and realised that she made that choice on a drug which killed   everyone except him.

He was sent home and the doctor said he can't go to school,he can't play and he will be the house bound baby and of he survives until his teen age it will be the miracle..

We humans believe in miracles and it happened .But his aim was to play Baseball for America where everyone laughed at him ..

His hurdles started again and he had First heart attack at the age of 12 and after this he worked hard and he signed a contract to play baseball.
He says life is like roller coaster We we are at the peak of our life if brings down within half a beat.

When he was playing baseball he collapsed and woke after 3 days and came to know he had gone through Heart attack again.

He was depressed and taken down and his mother sat with him said
' its not about how many times you knocked down its about how many times you Rise.

With these words he joined banking
After 12 months he became
Youngest bank manager in Australia After 24 months he became
Youngest area manager in Australia
After 36 months he became
Youngest state manager in Australia After 4 years he was recognised as the 
Youngest National Sales Dvpt Manager for one of the largest companies in the world..

At 23 years he had 600 staff,120 banks around Australia.He made lots of money and  a million dollar house a 1000 dollar sports car.....



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