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Astrology:The Business of Predicting went Unstoppable

Once a pregnant woman went to an astrologer to get to know about the gender of her coming child.The astrologer thought for a minute and said it would be Boy .The woman was happy and paid him with handsome money and returned,and the delivery was happened and it came out to be a girl.The woman was like totally thrown away with her thoughts,and after some days she went to the astrologer and criticized about his prediction.The astrologer calmly replied that he already knew that she was going to deliver a girl ,he didn't said this because of this she would get worried and it would directly affect the child's health.
The woman was convinced and she returned.
Now  would you believe the astrologer here.!?

Its just the story of one astrologer there are crores together predicting others future ,but most of them are unrecognised
Astrology started at 5000BC
Astrology is nothing but an art of calculating the motion of celestial bodies and relating them to one's personal behavior
Every morning when I switch on the TV I always find the person with spectacular,with a shawl on openbody with some rings in his hands sitting and talking to the client live with the telephone.
The phone calls are rapidly increasing day by day and these people are hunting high TRP rates for the channels.
This is not only constricted for ordinary people importantly the politicians are behind them.These astrologers get great demand during the elections.And some dummy astrologers take it as a chance and predict some one as a winner just to make themselves famous and the media will be just like hungry wolf waiting for these kind of people
Did you ever get prediction about your future from an astrologer? Or, Do you believe in yourself?. Actually their main target is Weak-minded people ,the people who fear a lot,the people without confidence and self belief.
My brother always noticed astrologer's office near Courts, hospital and police station.I asked him why ,he said me that people lose faith and hope on their lives at these public places ,they easily captures these astrology centre and rush towards them to seek their their help.
I am not saying that these astrologers are making money from Weak-minded,and they are cheating them.When we look at the other face of the astrology they are filling new hope to people who are not confident .I heard most of the people coming out happy from their office.They always are positive towards others life.
Astrology not only given life by prediction but also given employment for predictors.They are even contributing to the growth of the country's economy.
Most of the time their predicting came out real and shook the world
I think you might have heard about Baba Wanga ,she predicted that Donald Trump will be the next president after Obama .It was proved.

But some times the biggest predictions went The earth would end on December 2012 ,even a Hollywood movie came by taking inspiration from the prediction.
Finally astrology has been the part of people's life ,people have addicted in such a way that from the position of their bathroom to no.of their car they prefer astrology,some people won't  step out the of their home without reading daily astrology part in the newspaper.
SO When I hear the word future,
The buisness of prediction is going unstoppable.....


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