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10 Things that Indians go Crazy About

1 .TEA (chai)
'Tea is the national drink of India' , being a drink which can be prepared within 2-5 minutes can be served 24/7 irrespective of all seasons.Tea shares its presence during happy Marriages and even on sad Funerals.It is consumed from 6 year old boy to 80 year old body.There are many people who won't start their day without having tea.Tea has got many fans by its taste and super qualities.If you didn't tried tea yet you  didn't tried the best drink in the world yet.
2.Discount Sales.
The only shops which runs busy all the days are sales with discount, even though there is no guarantee for product ,people prefer these sales and don't stop bargaining even on discount prices.On the other side these sales play a major role in recycling waste products and have their own contribution to country's economy.
Being the Britain's national language the more no.of fluent English speakers in the world are Indians.Taday 7out of 10 child in a village is sent to English Convent School.Indian mindset is like the person with good English is considered as a scholar..
4 . Social media
India is 3rd largest user of Internet after America and China.Most of the youth in India seem to have changed their aim from becoming a doctor or a engineer to getting more likes in FB and more followers in Twitter.
The person not found in social media even with a good degree is considered uneducated and a fool.
The one who created the world and the one who can destroy the world is a god.There are thousands of God in India and they are distributed according to religious ,castes and sub castes.There is no house without a photo of God, people pray everyday but no god appeared but filled the priceless things called Hope and Confidence.
The words which are spoken at private making no difference for the target person is called Gossip.This is where most people burn their precious time talking about any celebritie's personal life,their marriage, children, affairs and much more...
They are actually turned out inevitable because of  the Social media and news channels are the fixed base for each and every gossip.
Comes once in 5 years with a huge impact.Its the part time job for unemployed youth,and money making business for people behind every candidate.Not only men even women are found at all activities during elections that is from campaigning to participating.
Every elder person talks about elections as if it their own problem and they are only who know pin to pin details about the party and it's candidates.
8.Costly Mobiles
The person is treated as a king if he owns a branded and a costly mobile.Its turned out as reflection of their advanced lifestyle and their richness.
9. Paan
This kind of food is take after heavy meals but the craze in south India especially in rural areas people can't survive without it and there are examples that people take small loans to buy leaves and tobacco. But the paan has advanced in North India and it is coming prepackaged from the factory.
10. Fast food and Gym
These two sectors are growing day by day and there is no alternative force to stop their growth.Every youth preferes to have good physique and want to find fashionable by showing that they consume tasty fast food.....

There are many more things that Indians are passionate .I will come up with those things in another post.
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