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They are not just people,they are citizens.

I think you might have guessed whats behind the topic
If not let me say you its about the people belonging to most technologically advanced coutries  in the world that is JAPAN.

Whenever I hear about Japan I remember the pic below
This pic is enough to show why Japan is above the world with area and population
This pic is just an example of their dedication ,commitment and mainly Patriotism..

The more impressive thing is that its been 76 years after AMERICAS nuclear attack on HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI.  
                          Just take a look how its Changed

Image result for hiroshima  in japan today

Not only this today America even tried to adopt JAPANESE MANAGEMENT STYLE to turnaround
The result was increased losses

The reason behind every success of Japan is that they have Evolved through their own MANAGEMENT STYLE
For instance India and Japan started their modern devlopent process more or less at the same time.
After the WORLD WAR 2 both the countries need to push forward against their respective problems . India lost its potential due to  British rule and Japan lost its potential due to Nuclear bomb attack which was lot more worse when compared to India.But today JAPAN IS DEVELOPED and INDIA IS STILL DEVELOPING    


1. Every Japanese is assured with LIFETIME EMPLOYMENT.This makes them gets bounded to their Organisation and they will be Enthusiastic about their work

2. The wage structure is actually incredible when we glance towards it .80% of every employees salary is taken as Bonus. Whenever the company comes in losses the company has the right to reduce the salary by upto 80%.

3. Poka Yoke:{Zero Defect} Its every Japanian strategy to work on their WEAKNESS rather than their STRENGTH
4. Kaizen:Its one of the business philosophy of  continuous improvement of working practice ,Personel efficiency ctc
Companies hire to train a worker than hiring a trained worker

5.Just in Time Management

6. Fine blend of exceptional Microlevel management supported and protected by Macrolevel government Policies.

Results of this management style

1. Their recovery from tsunami{2005} and nuclear bomb attack{1945} says it all

2. Today they are technologically advanced and one of the leading economies in the world.

3. Every youth in Japan considers its their bounded duty to take care of their Parents.

4. They are very proud of their company that a person working in HONDA company says "I AM HONDA MAN" but not ""I WORK FOR HONDA""

Lesson for Life

Whatever may be the problem we need to be Prepared ,preplan it ,give your best, think about the  countries future rather than personnel intrest .

Image result for sir John kennedy thoughts about country




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