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Buisnessmen and Politicians : Sharing the same bench in class

Politics is the art of PROMISE and Business is the art of SELF BELIEF. Today except Filmstars even the politicians and businessmen are recognized as CELEBRITIES.
A politician rules the world whereas a businessmen supports the world in its economy.
Its everyone"s wish to earn money somuch money that some says that "If you can count your money ,then get back to your work".
The better field for these kind of people is Politics and Business.
Image result for bisinessmen and politicianscourtecy:

Here are some of the Similarities between a Successful Politician and a Businessman

1.Communication skills

There is a word that ""Communication leads when marks cant survive"".
When a Businessman starts to give his words about his new Startup plans ,he will execute in such a way that the Investors starts to think "there is no power on earth to stop the Profit on his products".
When a Politician speaks in a program about his future plan everyone start to IMAGINE A DISNEY WORLD AROUND US.
Image result for political communicationBut it requires a lot of experience to be great speaker.
Whatever the situation it may be ,no one is better communicative than a politician and businessmen.

2. View towards society 

A Businessman sees people as Money.
A Politician sees people in the form of Vote.
But indirectly they related as

Image result for bisinessmen and politicianscourtecy:

3. The Job of Failures

Do you know that 80% of the Millionaires are School dropouts.
Among these 80% ,78% of these are Businessmen,even politicians are there they wont show up their wealth to public.
These two are the jobs which are related to Real life problems rather than a algebraic sum.Therefore the person with RIGID MINDSET can win over these jobs.
Image result for job of failurecourtecy:

4. Dressing style

Its very common that we are judged because of our Outlook not by Character.So both of these make best use of the clothing.
An Indian Politician always prefers to wear White colored clothes  which shows that he is out of corruption ,peaceful,helpful and transparent with his actions.
whereas a businessman wears a Suit showing that I am honest,pefect and ready to any Extremeties ahead of me.
See the source imagecourtecy:

5. Decision making

The word DECISION means "the art of thinking about the future ,analyzing the past and considering the  present."
Both the businessmen and a politician are Incredible decision makers.When analysed what I found is that a Buisnessman"s decision is more accurate than that of a politician"s .
This is because a decision by a politician can be Over written due to weakness of public whereas the Businessman"s is final when taken at once.
Image result for decision makingcourtecy:

 Both  of them share same bench in the classroom

These jobs are actually the called as the Game of Uneducated and Learned.A educated can win over exams but a learned is a trained towards the Real life problems.
According to Indians ,commonly they are called as LLB"S means Lords of Last Benches.
Image result for last bench student statuscourtecy:



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