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Key to success: The Pareto principle

Today everyone reads and study many successful storeys and might have wondered how did they reach to that level ?
And what made them different from the common people?

Here is one of the best known key they used to open the lock called Success.

As this sounds different to you but is one of the well known and accepted principle.

This principle was introduced by the Italian Economist known as VILFERDO PARETO

According to this principle 80% of any  work depends on 20% of things that actually matter
It is also known as 80/20 principle

What does it mean?
It clearly states that if you want successful results in any work make sure you focus on just 20% of important things that actually matters and you will get 80% of assured result.

How did he construct this principle? 
Have you ever thought how a new principle is brought up?
Its just simple ,by careful observation.
Same thing happened with Mr Pareto.
At his time in Italy 80%of the total land was owned by just 20% of people and remaining 20% of land was owned by 80% of population..
This gave birth to the Pareto Principle

Some interesting examples to illustrate the Pareto Principe
Today 80% of the accidents on the road is by 20% of the people who are Alcohalics.

! Today in any schools or collage 80% of results is brought by 20% of intelligent students

! 80% of garbage in your locality is by 20% of uneducated..and 20% of garbage is by educated

Does this principle have any drawback

Yes it has some limitations as every coin has two faces
This principle can be applied every where but not in the field of politics as per my observation
What do you think will 20% of people that is literate people decide 80% of the good candidates in assembly.,no right ..!
That's why politics is the field which can't be related to Pareto Principle..
Focus on your strength and get great results


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