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The Day in and the Day Out

Unplanned actions are always as effective as hell , but when it comes to travelling unplanned trips are always damn successful . Here the success is measured in terms of  joyful time spent doing crazy things and  laughing out loud watching surprising unrealistic attempt to stunts done  by friends..

5th january 2019 , It was a time I was packing my luggage to home after my first sem exam. I was already badly missing my home because I was like a  Half introverted from my collage days .
A call arrived from my closest friend to get ready to a picnic to the place nearby.I was not ready at the beginning as I already said my father that was I was coming home the next day and suddenly a thought bashed.."When we come out of our collage life Marks were just number and memories were Wonders."

I said I will be ready....
That night I slept at 2 am watching the movie The Greatest Showman .It was one of the musical success of Hugh Jackman....

I came to board the vehicle at 530 as I came half sleepy . I slept as I entered in it.
The bus moved and we were only 6 boys in the bus when I closed my eyes . After some time when I opened my eyes 4 more members boarded the vehicle. It was like a housefull show. and a Sushi started singing from behind making it more exciting and.When I asked what place we are going the place changed from yesterday it was Shivanasamudra but today to  Avani betta but we ended up reaching Antaragange.

I was really hungry in the morning and friends started dancing and I was in a I don't care mode until have my breakfast.
But How can I sit quietly watching smiles on the dance floor sorry the vehicals floor.We danced a bit funny, bit tired it was a bit of many songs
Finally we reached the hotel and had Masala Dosa  ,the universal favourite food of all time.Everyone enjoyed the food and some had the national drink and coffee .
From there we went the place. It was a trecking spot made for mini adventurers like us . When we started to walk to  a place to reach the temple above by seeing it, I was  so excited and adviced a race. 3 of us agreed and ran up, but it was half successful one.On the way up we saw our very very very old ancestors jumping, sleeping, eating and cleaning each others body..

We were in temple and I heard that there was a cave up to see and  visit. In this excitement I didnt knew what the name of the God was.
There was water coming out of a rock naturally  24/7.Some people drank water from upside and surprisingly it was like a bathroom below where people bathed everyday.Whatever we went up with the guide in the up way we posed photos and Sushi was singing inbetween the journey.
We reached  the entrance of the cave . here the cave was actully a cave with less space to get in with great space exposed inside . I was the last member to be seen . I dont know why everyone were screaming my many as if I  went into the wrong hole as they knew my personality used to fit in it.
It was wonderful there
The beauty of Nature is not just in water, clouds and trees its even hidden inside the houses of ants . It depends on the beholders vision.

  We struggled to get in and out and the guide guided well
.If there was no guide then everyone would have been turned into a  guide for themselves and go in 10 different ways.
When we came out of the first cave we realised  WOW.It was not just good it was Damn good .Then I dont know weather the guide was ready to take us to next spot he started scaring us about the next cave saying its very difficult out there for everyone to come.But what excited is was it was a water cave. I think everyone thought that there was a small waterfalls or same stream of water flowing inside. but it was really very small stream of water

Finally we went in the cave it was a really a  bit difficult to pass by than the  old one.
but" the products of difficulties are always fair....."
The caves were over and we came down the mountain seeing some surprising stunts and some attempts to stunts .again sushi raised her voice in between. We left the spot half tired, full happy and 100 percent satisfied.

We came down and our next spot was Kotilingeshwar , the place where one crore statues of shivalingu were established , the priest said the history within words that I still dont remember.
The legs were burning there and the total conclusion that everyone got from Kotilingeshwar was it was a Business adda than a holy place...
Then we returned out from there and we had lunch in a hotel beside the highway and my father called me when the food came towards me..
He believed that I was in a train coming home and I said that I missed the train  so closely and came out with friends out for a holy place. He was ok with it.....

Then comes the final part ,the return journey: It was planned that we would return back Bangalore by maximum of 6o clock , and I already said everyone that I had train at 7 but actually my train was at 5 pm....
While coming the dance in the bus were epic .Then begins the adventure of counting the money we spent  and divide among us it took approximately about 2 hours to conclude .I was wondered that are these are managing finance of our country or what. Whatever It will truely be helpful for our next trip.
 In Bangalore we ate everyone s favourite ice cream, I never saw icecream like those in my life before.What to do, I have a small force of repulsion with icecream..
but it felt great eating them and gave hope to eat further..
The picnic was over ........
I was actually first time out with friends to a picnic like this. It was really , really great one

"One life to live ,So much to give. Believe like a Champion and Live like a King ..".

Boarding members
1 Prasad : Not a masterplanner but much better
2.Shivam : came out as Har**c***
3.Medhini : Always excited , excited and excited.
4 : Sachin : the surprising stuntsman
5: Deepthi : Unreslolved dancing mistry.
6: Rijuta : The Caretaker of Sushi...
7: Abhimanyu : Man vs Wild
8: Meghashree : short and strong
9: Abhishek :this name should come first as per attendence.
10 : my self : 404 not found....


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