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Life's Like That

Life is not complicated as we see.
It's too simple when we think...,.......,.........

1. A boy+ smartphone= Mr.India
    A girl+ smartphone= Selfie's Encyclopedia

2.A poison may be less or more poisonous after its expiry date.
  A woman always likes to be in Makeup ,even on death certificate.

3.An Apple a Day keeps a doctor away.
   For new lady everyday,beauty parlour is the only way..

4.Richard Branson is an adventurer and Warren Buffet is an Investor.
  Some men's life with adventure and investment gives them a pretty Daughter..

5.Life without travelling is no fun.
   Some gets excited and play Temple Run..

6. If someone is experiencing Success without failure
  He/she is having breakfast without Brushing

 7.Some are rich because they were born rich.
   Michael Jackson danced well, doesn't mean he was born Dancing..

 8. Can't buy light from Sun,and stars won't reach us Maths.
  This is why Sunburn and Starbucks Costs..

9. Advising and talking to Stupid makes us Stupid.
  A movie hero's punch dialogues are always for villains,Is he stupid...

10. Broomstick is the symbol of Godess Laxmi according to Indians.
I don't understand why this Goddess supported Witches to fly..


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