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Showing posts from April, 2018

Buisnessmen and Politicians : Sharing the same bench in class

Politics is the art of PROMISE and Business is the art of SELF BELIEF. Today except Filmstars even the politicians and businessmen are recognized as CELEBRITIES. A politician rules the world whereas a businessmen supports the world in its economy. Its everyone"s wish to earn money somuch money that some says that "If you can count your money ,then get back to your work". The better field for these kind of people is Politics and Business. courtecy: Here are some of the Similarities between a Successful Politician and a Businessman 1.Communication skills There is a word that ""Communication leads when marks cant survive"". When a Businessman starts to give his words about his new Startup plans ,he will execute in such a way that the Investors starts to think "there is no power on earth to stop the Profit on his products". When a Politician speaks in a program about his future plan every...

The Richard Branson Equation

courtecy : There are many MILLIONARES and BILLIONARES in the world. Everyone"s same in terms of Money .But none  of them are identical in terms of their Life Style .This is the thing which distinguish each and every one them. When i categorise them from their lifestyle point of view  Mr.Richard Branson is a broad way different from everybody When you read the title ,you might have thought when did he gave an equation?Is it on BUISNESS? .Its not the equation given by him ,actually its equation on him. When I studied about Branson"s life it consisted of three main things 1.BUISNESS 2.ADVENTURE 3.SOCIAL SERVICE Here is the equation RICHARD BRANSON=BUISNESS+ADENTURE+SOCIAL SERVICE That's not it,there"s a lot more when we look deep inside RICHARD BRANSON=BUISNESS BUISNESS=MONEY RICHARD BRANSON=/= MONEY Branson may earned lot but he cannot be measured my MONEY RICHARD BRANSON=ADVENTURE ADENTURE=FEAR ...

Mr.Warren Buffet :The name buffering in my mind

" '"Invest like a Girl" its what every men around the world deny. But only few know that  Ïnvesting like a girl made Warren Buffet as Mr.Market Ronaldo for Football Federer for Tennis Gandhiji for peace Hitler for violence There is a Legend at every field .But when we look at share marketing Warren is not just a LEGEND .He is an ULTRALEGEND. He came to the game of marketing at the age of 6 by selling COCO COLA every day and earned 5 cents .He invested that MONEY on shares of City Service Centre.A normal kid would have bought chocolate and eat. His 1st lesson:: On his investment on City Serice Shares he found decrement in its value the next day .He started shivering and his hardworking days came infront of his eyes .Instead of selling them he waited and waited.One fine day the price went high and he won the profit. There he learnt to be PATIENT in every situation . His patience and his BRAINWORK made his one of World"s richest men and today h...

Insight on INDIA'S survival ..

India even after BRITISH RULE has recovered not because of Great revolutionary actions taken by our leaders but because of some minor factors that are UNPUBLISHED HERE ARE SOME OF THOSE FACTORS     Do you know that A Begger is better than a software engineer for Indian Economy.   Most of the Software engineers working for a Foreign Company executes all of his HardWork and Creativity making CEO and Country belonging to the Company rich and advanced . He may receive Handsome money but most of his spendings are on buying Foreign Brands in Shopping malls entered in India.. A Begger receiving small amounts of money stays in India supporting small Indegenous manufacturers.. Importantly the Chillars of money with the Beggar ruled the Market during Demonetisation. India's prime occupation is Agriculture..But its a sad reality is that   there is no guaranteed success or profit in this job.Eventhough we are getting enough food tod...