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Journey in the General Section

I was really lucky get in train at the very first coming stations.
It was GolGumbaz Express in which I laid my step to home after many days.
The train's route is from Mysore to Sollapur of Karnataka where the rails connect from South to North Karnataka.
It was not at all my first time here . I am just sharing my thoughts how it feels like . I thought of writing in a piece of paper but environment won't support me. So I  "Blogged my  Vision into words".
The pic says it all how conjusted  it actually was,  of course it was Wednesday one of the middle days of the week but let me remember you the population of India its close to 130 crores .
Actually I was concentrating on my mobile when I got my seat, suddenly a group of people came rushing to the door to get in ,I was shocked and then I realised that the train reached Bangalore's city main station. I wondered how Chennai Express shooting  would have been if it was general section of the train .
The old man sitting in front of me gradually became my friend even we got in at the same station  . When I enquired him I was actually surprised to hear that he came all the way to Bangalore from Gadag to meet his son working in Bangalore but actual  mesmerising this is he came Bangalore for the first time but Without Mobile Phone in his hand . I asked how did you contacted your son when you reached here . He came with the paper with an address of his son.
He had the  confidence and open minded communication skills that would have made him reach his son  even without that piece of paper.

When the train went on there were many types of people  who came through, there were  the ones who came up with no ticket in hand but still have no worries  about the TC . They look like they are having the power to  convince TC with their economical condition as a trump card. Then there were those with lots of luggages including Wife in hand . They were the most worried ones even though they had ticket in hand ,Don't know why just saw on their face.
Then there were women with rebel attitude in their blood trying  out to do anything to attain a seat and didn't even hesitated to scold men who came in their way , they seemed to take opportunity being a woman but the fact was they were really brave . Looks like these are the woman who gave birth to Soldiers for our country.
There was a man sleeping on the place of luggages but people didn't hesitate to throw their bags on him . He didn't even got that there were bags on him until he woke up.
Then come the tea sellers with their quotations Chai,chai,Garam Chai. They looked so proud of themselves as they were selling the national drink of our country.
Then there were men fighting for their seat , but the fight starts with attaining a seat and ends up with a dirty scolding and differentiating themselves as North Kannadiga and South Kannadiga. How awful it is!!
That's enough of my fellow travellers.

Finally my station arrived and when I looked back I didn't got how the 4th dimensions ran . It was great watching new people all the way about 350kms .
So for name sake it's general section of the train but technically it's Argumented Reality of different types of people.


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